For further details about how to construct a demonstration site card, please download the Demonstration Site Cards Guidelines (EN/ ES) and the Explanatory Text clicking here.

For questions stating “multiple answers”, please choose one or more of the options given. For those with no multiple options, please answer either “Yes” or “No”. A site will qualify as a demosite if for each of the following parts (I, II, III) there is at least one question marked with “yes” or one option is selected. If this is not the case, it will not qualify.

Minimum criteria form

Part I. Scope of the demonstration site in relation with ecohydrology.

1.1. Is there a good representation of diverse stakeholders involved (e.g. knowledge institutions, government agencies, NGOs, and the private sector)?

1.2. What are the Ecohydrology implementation principles used? (multiple answers)

1.3. What are the relevant documents available? Please write the number in front of each option (multiple answers)

Part II. Relevance of the solutions proposed by the demonstration site to ecohydrology.

2.1. Is the project solution-oriented?

2.2. Which Ecohydrological technologies are used or provided by the site? (multiple answers)

Part III. Commitment of the demonstration site

3.1. Does the proposed project team reflect an adequate commitment to transdisciplinary collaboration (in terms of different fields of knowledge/research)?

3.2. Does the list of partners and stakeholders demonstrate effective commitment to improving environment?

3.3. Is there a sufficient combination of funding and in-kind services to carry out the proposed activities?

Application form

General information

It should be noted that after having complied with the requested criteria and if the site be selected it should publish at least one paper every 2 years.

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