CLICK Here to enter the Ecohydrology Open Online Courses
Promoted by the UNESCO Chair on Ecohydrology:
water for ecosystems and societies, University of Algarve, Portugal
with the contribution of:
University students, environmental scientists, practitioners, professionals working at decision-making institutions, and teachers.
Understand how ecohydrology science and its solution-oriented tools can enhance the sustainability potential of ecosystems (carrying capacity) from molecular to catchment scale with a holistic perspective by increasing resilience and reducing global change impacts in ecosystems.
Ecohydrology contributes to catchment sustainability for the enhancement of water resources, biodiversity, ecosystem services for society, and resilience to various forms of anthropogenic impacts, including climatic change and cultural aspects. To use the most appropriate and cost-effective ecohydrological solutions as management tools for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Ecohydrology is based on the understanding and use of dual regulation between hydrology and biota, for each ecosystem, and it contributes to the implementation of Nature Based Solutions implemented at critical points in the land and river basin continuum.
The courses are grouped in 3 modules: