Specific objectives of the demosite, that were achieved through the Project, are: Development of an ecohydrology demonstration plot to control extreme water flow fluctuation and mitigate water pollution, sedimentation, and crop failure inside Subak Bengkel, throughconcerted actions at multi-levels. Demographics Subak Bengkel is in administrative villages, Bengkel Village and Pangkung Tibah Village. The location of Subak is in the east of Kediri District, 13 km from the District Government Center and 15 km from Tabanan Regency. In comparison, the distance from the Provincial Government Center is 30 km. Based on village data in 2022, the population of Bengkel Village is 2390 people, consisting of 1193 men and 1197 women from a total population of 717 families: 717 Families. (Bengkel Village Profile, 2021).
PPT(mm/yr): 1.0
T(ºc): 1.0
Elevation of demosite: | meters above sea level |
Humidity: | Semiparched |
PETr (by year): |
Pest attacks on massive rice plants are mainly rats and leafhoppers. The cultural ceremony namely The Mreteka Merana is one of the ceremonies held by the Subak management to control rats when a severe attack occurs. In addition, to overcome rat infestation, farmers cultivate owls (Tyto alba) as natural enemies of rat pests.
Phytotechnology was applied in several different project locations, particularly in TP3R (Waste Management Site Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) and in the inlet of each paddy field group (tempek). • Organic Fertilizer House (TPS3R) Waste management is a solution to reduce the amount of waste by processing organic waste into fertilizer. Waste comes from the residue of household activities in the village. Waste processing into fertilizer is carried out daily by cleaners whom the village government
To manage a section of the Subak System, it was designed to culturally perform structures, which are classified as utilization of water. The subak system emerged with the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana (three happiness) consisting of palemahan (environment, rice fields, flora, and fauna), pawongan (farmers), and Narayanan (subak culture) contained as wisdom. The assumed tangible material and ecological effects are: • Reduce water pollution and sedimentation. • Mitigate water discharge fluctuation. • Minimize crop failure inside Subak The scope of the adaptation measure consists of: 1. Hydrological Engineering: • Engagement of local government through the Tabanan District Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency (PUPR) as responsible for the development of water irrigation infrastructure on primary and secondary waterways. The amount of Tukad Yeh Dati water in 2019 that entered the Yeh Panan Selatan Dam and flowed to Subak Bengkel was 722.4 l/dt.
Social ecohydrological system
EH Objectives
EH Methodology
Catchment Ecohydrological sub-system
Catchment Sociological sub-system